Now October is over, Halloween been and gone, we are in the final third of Autumn. The landscape has changed again, with the trees shedding their leaves and everywhere looking more still.
Here in Northamptonshire, the ploughed fields are sprouting and are covered with a hint of green. The animals are still out grazing, but the winter sheds have been made ready in case the weather turns awful. The farmers are using this quiet time to do maintenance jobs on the land, so hedges been trimmed and fencing repaired. With lower hedges, I now get a better view into the fields.
The cattle out here grazing, are for beef rather than dairy. The farmer tells me that they are a more docile breed, and its OK to walk through the field, even though the bull is in there, and there are still quite young calves too. As promised, they don’t bat an eyelid as we walk through. These herds are as close to free range as you can get, with the gates on their fields opened so they can range through about 6 meadows. The animals are pasture fed, and this is being now supplemented with hay, as the grass growth is slowing. This years calves are still with their mothers, and I have spied them still suckling. I’ve seen them in little herds playing in the fields, charging around like young animals do. They are having a nice life. Next time I see the farmer, I’m going to ask him how old they are when they are moved on. I’m told that the best beef is about three years old and the fat should be a cream colour, rather than the whiter fat you see in the supermarket meat packs.
Country life is wonderful, yet we still have in striking distance access to great towns like Northampton, Corby and Market Harborough. There are great facilities to hire here in Moulton for sports, clubs or worship. There are outdoor fields and great car parking…. I’m waiting for someone to ask me about a car boot, or flea market? I’m still waiting for crafts people to take advantage of the great facilities to form groups and clubs…. I want to join in!!