What is Health?
Health, as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), imply that it’s not just about the absence of a disease, it’s also about you’re physical, mental and social well being. Health may be good or poor.
Good health is often linked to happiness and a fulfilling life. Someone who is in good health feels good physically and has a more positive outlook on life, is well adjusted in society and is capable of undertaking daily mental and physical tasks without too many problems. People need good health to grow, develop their potential and to play a full and active part of society.
To enjoy good health, a person needs to have proper shelter, nutrition, sleep, rest and exercise. Having good hygiene also drastically reduces that risk of infections. Medical and dental care can ensure that health can be monitored and problems can be treated.
Fitness is the physical condition on the body. One definition of physical fitness is ‘the ability of the body to meet the day-to-day demands of the environment’. There are generally only two recognised types of fitness:
1. Health-related fitness- this reflects on an individuals to fight infection, and takes into consideration the strength of their muscles and skeleton. It can also involves the absence of conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure.
2. Performance-related fitness- this is more related to the fitness needed to complete specific tasks, e.g. Mountain climbing, sprinting, swimming etc.
Fitness can easily be improved by partaking in extra curricular activities such as football, netball, hockey or Zumba!!
At schools plus we offer a wide range of activities to suit all abilities and goals to find out more activities and keep up to date with facilities available at Moulton call Liz 07889 352972.