This year I’ve decided to something radical and different. I can hear you now wondering what life changing thing I have done. Working with orangutans in the jungle? Saving Panda’s in China? Well get ready for it.
Facility of the month!
Yep, that’s right I’m going to write about a facility every month. Alright maybe not entirely radical, but certainly different. This is an ideal way to learn about the awesome facilities we have at Thamesview and the features they have to offer.
This month I’m going to write about Classrooms.
Classrooms at Thamesview
Thamesview is a school. A school has lots classrooms. This is good. Classrooms are fantastically versatile spaces and can host a varying range of activities.
For example, our classrooms play host to churches, meetings and tuition groups. This is however not an exhaustive list and courses and playgroups are some other activities our classrooms are great for.
Don’t be worried if you think the classrooms need to stay in the same rigid style, because we can move the table and chairs to suit you.
The classrooms are a dark and drab following the usual style of British classrooms. Wait a minute. Thamesview is a new build school. This means that the classrooms are bright, modern and optimised for learning.
Well, I think that wraps up this week’s different manager’s blog. I hope you have a great week!
If you’re interested in hiring out our classroom or would like some more information click here or contact Tia on 07985 412232 or email Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @schoolspluskent