Do you include parking when looking for a venue?
When planning to hire a venue, every person has something they are looking for. This may be the number of toilets, how clean it is and how big the windows are. All of which are completely valid reasons for venue hire.
However, for me, there is something that I think hirers often miss . The car parking facilities.
I was travelling to an event a few days ago. When I got there I found the only parking was on the street. This wasn’t too bad; not ideal, but not the end of the world. A more pressing issue as that said street and surrounding roads were completely full. I drove around for 20 minutes waiting for a space, but it never materialised, so I drove home.
The moral here is that because of the lack of parking, the venue hirers lost a customer. Yes , you could argue I should’ve been more patient, but also I wasn’t thrilled with having to leave my car on a busy main road.
Basically, all I am saying is that if you are looking for venue hire, the car park is really important especially in congested area. It gives your customers a place to park and means they are more likely to come back
This one of the great things about venue hire at NTC, Thamesview and St Johns. All of them have 100+ car park all completely free when you book our facilities, so your customers can be rest assured they should be able to find a nice place to park.
All the schools have great facilities, coupled with a great carpark means they are fantastic venues for you and your guests.
Are you’re interested in venue hire at our school or would like some more information contact Tia on 07985 412232 or email Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @schoolspluskent