Come and play badminton at Ark John Keats Academy!
Every Wednesday 6.30pm – 9pm and Sunday mornings 10am – 2pm in our large Sports Hall.
Due to increasing interest in badminton at Ark John Keats Academy we have decided to host two badminton socials each week. We welcome players of all levels and abilities. All you need to do is find an opponent or get a group of four people and bring your badminton racquets and shuttlecocks along.
Did you know that badminton is the fastest Racket Sport with shuttle clocking speed in excess of 200 mph? Badminton is also the second most popular sport in the world, after football? So, get involved! Come and have some fun!
Badminton is also great for your health! Here are just five of the many health benefits of badminton from
1. Physical fitness: Between the running, lunging, diving and ball hitting, playing badminton burns fat at approximately 450 calories per hour. This kind of cardiovascular workout can help keep you in tip top shape, especially if you’re looking for a good alternative cross-training exercise.
2. Psychological benefits: Because badminton promotes physical fitness, it helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Exercise increases endorphins, which are the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, and has also been found to improve mood and sleep.
3. Good for overall health: As with all forms of physical exercise, badminton can reduce or eliminate your risk for many health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. It can also reduce your risk for coronary heart disease by reducing your triglyceride levels and increasing your “good” cholesterol.
4. Mobility: As we age, mobility becomes limited, but staying active can help prevent these problems. Keeping mobile lubricates your joints, preventing arthritis and similar conditions from developing.
5. Weight loss: Badminton can also help with weight control because of its fat-burning and metabolism boosting qualities. Combined with proper diet, optimal weight loss may be achieved.
So what are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on our current offer! Just £11.40 for one hour long game. Or you can book 10 sessions with us and get in for just £9.50 per game!! Don’t leave it too late, spaces will fill fast. Get in touch now to book your game with us!
Just one more thing.
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If you’re interested in hiring out our spaces or would like some more information continuing browsing our website or contact Venue Manager Lovedale on 07983 533501 or email