An end to another successful season.
With the winter season finally coming to an end after what feels like an age, so does the end of the Futsal league.
Dean Colclough has run his Monday Night Premier League at the academy for the last two, something years and has seen tremendous growth in the sport locally. This year saw Fighter Squadron walking away with the league cup after having worked hard all year to pip the Spanish teams to the post.
With names like Futsally Cinnamon, Fraudulent Football FC and Load of Ballacks, the lads are obviously a very humorous bunch and definitely brings a lot of life to The Venue on a Monday evening.
The next season will officially start on 01 June 2015, so for anyone that wants to have a go in the mean time, you need to get your socks on. Stoke Futsal offers trial games at ridiculously low prices, so it’s definitely worth a go. Be warned though, this is not your normal 5-a-side game. With more ball contact time and heavier balls, the games are shorter than normal (Probably to avoid even the fittest player keeling over from tiredness.)
So if you want a challenge, get in touch with Dean at, book our sports hall and get your boots on.