I’m sure I can’t be the only one wondering how we’ve made it past the middle of the year without even having a full week of proper summer, so I’ve decided to look into it a little. Normally by this time of year we’ve had that first big bbq ages ago and we’re well into a bit of outside living, but not this year. It’s very obvious that something’s up.
Naturally we all want to blame climate change and that’s what a lot of public figures do, but when we read into the matter, not only do we find a ton of inconclusive material, but it turns out that it seems like climate change can be a naturally occurring thing and not down to our factories and gas guzzlers. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% behind sustainability and looking after mother Earth, but personally I believe this should be the driver for the good changes that we make and want to make rather than something as inconclusive as man-made climate change.
So what is actually wrong?
If you’re a Guardian Reader, then climate change at the poles, is it. Simple. If you don’t believe everything that the paper tells you, then El Nino seems to be a more plausible explanation. Without going into too much technical detail, El Nino is a recurring weather phenomenon that rears its head every few years. The time scale is dependent on weather conditions in the Pacific and the consequences of the phenomenon can be seen almost around the world in very erratic conditions which can range from poor monsoons in Southeast Asia, droughts in southern Australia, the Philippines and Ecuador, blizzards in the United States to heat waves in Brazil and extreme flooding in Mexico.
Apparently the consequences of the weather system is much less severe in the UK and Europe, but still has an impact. Of late we seem to have a lot of thunderstorm-like weather where it’s fairly hot and humid, but overcast and raining.
As luck would have it, here at the school we are excellently equipped for whatever the season may bring. We have our astro turf pitches to be able to offer a spot of footty whatever the weather does and for anyone that like to remain dry, we have the sports hall, dance studios and main hall that can be home to a host of weather independent activities.
If you’re interested in hiring any of our facilities, please give me a call on 07966785829.