To quote one of my favourite TV programmes, Game of Thrones, “winter is coming!” I don’t mean we are being invaded by white walkers from above the wall or we are about to be consumed by the apocalypse. Although, that said, with what’s happening in the world at the moment, you would be forgiven for thinking the latter. What I’m actually talking about is how days are getting shorter while nights are getting darker and longer. The temperature is dropping making us rush to the thermostat and turn on the heating. This last week has seen quite a lot of rain, as autumn really is underway. So much so, that we have even had MET office weather warnings about it.
Although I am wishing for snow covered Christmas this year, like the ones I remember from my childhood. I am also, somewhat of a wimp, when it comes to being cold. I would much prefer to spend my days indoors in front of a real fireplace, with a warm drink in my hand. In fact, if I could help it the only time I want to have to brave the cold, is when I’m taking the dog for a walk. For me, all other activities need to be indoors, where it’s warm.
Something else I’ve noticed about this time of year is how we seem to gain weight. Maybe it’s all the partying and celebrating we do. I for one am always tempted by the delights that are on offer at this time of year. Being quite short, I often get mistaken for a mince pie eating elf. Well, that’s what my friends say anyway. So, like many of you I’m sure, I’m going to make an extra effort this year to try and get a little healthier. My plan is to get involved in a fitness class or maybe a martial arts class, to get more physical. However, as I’ve already mentioned, it will have to be indoors somewhere. It’s a good job I work for Schools Plus; it means it’s going to be really easy for me to find a class to join in on that doesn’t mean I have to be out in the cold.
If like me you like to stay in the warmth over the winter months but, are still looking for somewhere to go to keep fit, why not drop me a line and I’ll let you know what groups we have running in our school. Don’t forget, if you actually run a class and are looking for somewhere with great facilities. We have some of the best to be found anywhere.