So, for quite some time I have been a bit of a fan of the Six Nations rugby union tournament. I should probably point out that as I’m originally from the Republic Of Ireland, I do support Ireland in these tournaments, for obvious reasons. There are a lot of reasons to my liking the Six Nations rugby, for example we get to see some of the best players from around the world all competing for their respective countries at the highest level. These games are generally fast paced and action packed, with players not holding back.
For me this generates both a bit of excitement and nostalgia. It reminds me of the days when I was young and fit enough to play this behemoth of a game. It truly does remind me that sport is not something that we should just spectate but, something we should aspire to take part in. We should be encouraging our kids to do the same. Taking part in a sport or an activity does more for us than we can imagine. Sure, we know that it will help us to be fitter and thus help us live longer an in better health. But it’s more than that, playing a team sport or doing a team activity gives us the opportunity to be social. Let’s face it, we humans are a social animal, it’s in our genetics.
Being social allows us to become and remain well-adjusted individuals. We naturally have a pack mentality, which draws us together and help us to form family or friendship units. It’s these bonds that influence our lives and the decisions we make. We would all fight and care for our family and friends due to these connections. This in turn has a positive effect on our society, especially our closer community. Our need to be social and have these connections has enabled us to evolve this far. This only highlights the need for us to remain social creatures if we are to continue to evolve, or even just feel that sense of wellbeing that comes with socialising.
There are many ways to be social and I would encourage you and your kids to make the most of them. If you are looking for somewhere to be social or someone to be social with, why not contact us and we can let you know what we have happening in our school.