Wow… What lovely weather it was last weekend. It is strange that the weather somewhat determines our lifestyles and behaviours; with the days brighter for longer allowing more time on our hands, how did you spend yours? As for me, I decided to use my trusted Nutri-Bullet and set on an explorative task to concoct some delicious smoothies. In the mix, I found myself not only using a good selection of fruit and veg, but also reading about their key benefits. I would like to share with you some interesting facts I found out particularly about two ingredients I added:
Beetroot– Rich in vitamins and minerals; boosts energy levels; good for blood pressure management; increases blood flow to the brain and acts as antioxidants. If that all sounds all too boring well one of the earliest known benefits of beetroot is its use as an aphrodisiac! Remember, I’m just reporting what I’ve read from trusted health sources.
Blueberries– Are known to be in the ‘Top 10 Superfoods’; helps lower cholesterol; good for weight loss; reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. If all that also bores you, well rather than spending lots of money on products to make your skin look good, blueberries naturally do that for you by hydrating your skin and making it look fresh.
From start to finish it only took me 5 minutes to prepare my morning boost. Personally, I can feel and see a difference after drinking a combination of fruit and veg smoothies within two weeks. Go on… give yourself a boost and why not try an evening boost as well here at Schools Plus by trying our facilities, I now just need a natural magic food source now to sort out the grey hair. Any suggestions?
Keep healthy