When looking for new hobbies and things to do, just browse the internet and you will find plenty of options from playing instruments to learning new languages. Of course, you can also join plenty of sporty actives like football, Pilates, Zumba and more.
But if you’re like me – namely a self-proclaimed couch potato – you might find it a bit intimidating to get involved in those high-energy, physically challenging sports.
So we have prepared a few things you can do to help ease you into it and prepare you for those fun activities you’d love to do.
1. Social Dancing
You can chose between anything from slow and steady Ballroom to high intensity Salsa or Tango. When joining any beginners course, there might very well be experienced dancers, but trust me, the majority of people there will be just as new to the experience as you. And dancing with a partner will enable you to make friends quickly and feel comfortable in the group.
2. Unusual sports
Unusual sports like Quidditch (yes, Quidditch) are gaining popularity all over the world. If you sign up to a sport like this, you can be sure that nobody except for your instructor/teacher knows how to play it. Also, it’s certainly fun to tell all your friends about the new and exciting sport you’ve gotten into (and you know how to play).
3. Join the gym
Again, if you’re like me and the main reason hindering from trying out new sports, is your lack of fitness, just join a gym. Not only will it improve your activity levels and your general confidence, they also offer regular classes that you might find more interesting and exciting than you initially thought!
4. Solo sports
Lastly, one of the bet things you can do is to find yourself a solo sport, like indoor bouldering. It is the easiest form of rock climbing and you won’t need a partner or ropes. But again, you’ll soon make friends who quickly will introduce you to other forms of climbing that are best performed in a big group.
So whatever it is you would like to do, just get off the sofa and start being active. Bit by bit.