So, having all these wonderful classrooms and facilities to hire, I have been thinking about when schools used to open in the evening for ‘Night School’. I tried my hand at shorthand and typing, something of which I had no aptitude and found extremely tedious. I did not complete the course, which is just as well as touch typing and shorthand are virtually obsolete now.
There were lots of courses on offer, ranging from pottery, sewing, languages and academic courses. used to look forward to seeing the courses become available in the Autumn, but where does one go now if you want to brush up on your ‘Holiday Spanish’ or breadmaking skills?
Going back even further, the courses on offer to our children and pupils of the school are amazing. I feel jealous. I clearly remember my Domestic Science lessons, involving ‘How to starch a mans shirt’ and embroidering a very ‘useful’ tray cloth. I don’t know when I last used a tray, let alone a cross stitched cloth to put on one, and I’ve never starched a shirt either. Many years ago, my son asked if I went to school on a pony and trap. That comment still makes me smile today, as I’m not that old….honestly!
However, whatever you want to spend your spare time, we have some wonderful rooms in which you can do it. The Tussler Library would be a perfect room for a book reading club, as well as a great meeting room, or somewhere for a knitting group to meet.